GUI Designers - Windows UI, Icon Design and Style Guides
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Professional user interface design plays an essential role in delivering high quality software products.  This section of our portfolio presents recent examples of our work including interface design, icons and style guides.

Example 1: Interface Design

SearchBoth the structure and look and feel of a user interface is critical to delivering a successful application.  GUI Designers can provide support throughout the product development life cycle, including usability evaluation, user needs analysis, and detailed product design/prototyping.

The example on the right demonstrates how appropriate selection and layout of controls can provide an apparently simple unified tool for searching for information that resides in a number of different databases.


Example 2: Style Guide


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Style GuideStyle guides enhance user interface design and branding by defining consistent user interface rules and recommendations.  Many generic Style Guides exist, however, they often fail to address the needs of designers working on specific products. We create Style Guides that enable you to develop products with your own distinctive look and feel. Style Guides can be developed in a number of formats including Paper, Multi Media and Web.

The example on the right shows an interactive guide that we developed with Reuters.  The inclusion of animated demonstrations within the guide increases its efficiency as a teaching tool, and makes it more attractive to its potential users.



Example 3: Icons and Splash Screens Top of Page
iconsIcons provide an excellent mechanism for giving the user visual representations of functionality, and to reinforce product branding.

Successful icons are typically built from symbols, each of which represent an object or an action within a product. Consistent use of symbols within a family of icons makes it easier for users to remember icons, and to predict the meaning of new icons.

GUI Designers has designed a wide variety of icons and Splash Screens for Windows and Web environments. The animated image above displays work that we have completed for MDIS, MIA and CODA Financials.


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